She said lovingly to me, “Look, how beautiful!” I beheld the rainbow and exclaimed, “Ah!” As we both watched, there was just the rainbow; neither she nor I were present. She did not carry a thought, “I showed it to him” or “I have good communication skills nowadays”. I did not have thoughts like, “She chose me of all to show this wondrous thing to” or “How grateful I should be to her.” There was just the celestial arch in seven hues and time stopped.
Are there divisions in self-knowledge? We say the teacher shows the truth to the student. Are the teacher, the truth and the student three different entities? The three-fold situation is the usual, ordinary case when a man draws the attention of another to an object. The extraordinary scenario of the spiritual insight is unique. It is not any object that needs to be shown. The teacher shows ‘absence of ego’. She has no ego; she is no ego. The student sees the falsity of the ego. His ego vanishes in the seeing; he remains a presence that is devoid of ego. The truth – the seen – is now one with the teacher and the student. The undivided presence defies all ideas of space and time.
Seeing uncovers love and showing is its perfume.
“They shall instruct you the highest knowledge. They see the truth and are wise. Bow before them, inquire with their help and work with them. You will know.” Geeta 4:34
We do humble pranams to Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji – the one who showed to us great possibilities – on the occasion of his tenth anniversary of maha-samadhi, this Sunday, the 3rd of August.
Swami Chidananda
Monday, July 28, 2003