NC Flyer


 The Hindu Society of North Carolina


Talks on Vedanta in English
Swami Chidananda
May 27 – 30, 2013 (Mon – Thurs)
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Hindu Bhavan – Main Hall
309 Aviation Parkway, Morrisville, NC 27560

There are four topics in this series. Swamiji will
draw verses from selected Upanishads – which are
considered the source of the Bhagavad Gita – such
insights that bring to us clarity of Self-Knowledge.

About Swami Chidananda
Swami Chidananda, known for clear expression, is a distinguished teacher of the Vedanta. Many of his former students are Swamis today, carrying the message of Upanishads to the world. Based in Himachal Pradesh, he is visiting North Carolina for the first time. He met his Guru Swami Chinmayanandaji in 1980 while studying M.Tech. at IIT Madras. The master made the disciple put aside a career in Electronic Engineering and takes up the study and dissemination of the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji is passionate about Self-inquiry as championed by Shri Ramana Maharshiand is an erudite speaker on human values.

Monday, May 27: The Ultimate Strength is from Within

Spiritual Wisdom awakens you to a higher consciousness where you overcome fear of death; you become immortal.
– Kena Upanishad 2.4

Tuesday, May 28: Strength is the Way, and Goal

Without strength – born of staying as the Self – you cannot hope to reach the abode of love and peace
– Mundaka Upanishad 3.2.4

Wednesday, May 29: Negative Energy Disappears in Spiritual Vision

All weakness and associated negative emotions like emotional insecurity go away in the vision of Oneness
– Ishavasya Upanishad 6

Thursday, May 30: State of No Fear is Your True Nature

Rising above body-identification, you can stay in your true nature, which is without limitations and is the seat of no
fear – abhaya – Taittiriya Upanishad 2.7.1

For more information, please contact
Saroj Sharma 919-460-7830 Madhu Sharma 919-535-3240
Arundhati Baba 919-943-8534
Shirish Amin 919-677-1232 Sid Gautam 910-867-0070

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