Empathy – A Component of Emotional Intelligence

Empathy – A Component of Emotional Intelligence

When we have empathy, we are aware of others’ feelings and thoughts. We are not seeing things from just our perspectives only. We are not in our own world. We are rather able to put aside preoccupations for a while, and stand in others’ shoes and watch.

We “tune in” to how others feel. We understand and appreciate those feelings. Empathy is more than sympathy. In the latter, we just say or do something that comforts the others. In the former, we touch them in such a way that they are almost surprised how we echoed their inside. We “emotionally read” others when we are empathetic.

Empathy is NOT just being nice to the others. Very many times it may be the opposite. While we displease them, they all the same feel that we said something with which they in fact agree.

Empathy is NOT necessarily agreeing with the others. Our personal views may be different. Yet we acknowledge their feelings and they realize that we accurately know what they are going through. We first listen to the others in such a way that we know the reality in their heart and head.

When we voice THEIR feelings, and not just OUR concern, goodwill or best wishes, there is the fragrance of empathy.

Let us open up our hearts; truly know what our near and dear ones (or coworkers) are going through. In such right knowledge, everything good is born. Then the gates of love and compassion open.

“There is light in all the gates of the body. There is knowing. That is a state of purity. Sattva is then on the rise.”Geeta 14:11

Swami Chidananda
July 6, 2005

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