Do you wish to rise or fall?


Spark 45

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Do you wish to rise or fall?

   “The Way to Get Proactive” is how modern management talks about it. Our rishis called it ‘the way to rebuild our fallen house’. The seers of India knew the science of human life. They knew what could cause our fall from grace, and what could ensure our steady rise in glory.

Difference between ‘reactive’ and ‘proactive’

   In any challenging situation, we could “REACT,” where we complain, find fault with the surroundings and get depressed. We here do not act. Alternatively we could be PROACTIVE, where we identify what it is that we can do in the situation, and get going with that option.

   To find out what the best thing to do is, in a given situation, and to do it without delay is the hallmark of proactivity.

When we are ‘reactive’…

   Excessive sleep, getting tired too often, having unnecessary fears, showing anger at the wrong time, laziness and procrastination – these six are the sure ways to slip into degradation. A verse from Panchatantra lists these six negative qualities.

   षड् दोषा: पुरुषेणेह हातव्या भूतिमिच्छता ।

   निद्रा तन्द्रा भयं क्रोध आलस्यं दीर्घ-सूत्रता ॥ पंचतंत्र ॥

shad-doshāh purusheneha hātavyā bhootim-ichhatā |

| nidrā tandrā bhayam krodha ālasyam deergha-sootratā |(Panchatantra)


When we turn ‘proactive’

   Having faith in ourselves (and in right values), staying focused (and committed) and not falling for temptations of pleasure – these three are the key factors that can help us rebuild our fallen house. A verse from Bhagavad Geetā mentions exactly these three as the stepping stones of success.

श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानं तत्परः संयतेन्द्रियः ।

ज्ञानं लब्ध्वा परां शान्तिम् अचिरेणाधिगच्छति ॥ गीता 4.39॥

shraddhāvān labhate jnānam tatparah samyatendriyah |

| jnānam labdhvā parām shāntim achirenādhigacchati |(Geetā 4.39)


   We could be concerned with a hundred issues but the wise among us would identify the twenty among them where we could influence the situation (and make it better). The remaining 80 can only waste our time and energy. The American management guru Stephen Covey talks of the‘circle of concern’ and the ‘circle of influence’. The proactive people ACT in the (20 issues of the) circle of influence, without losing time on (the remaining 80) other issues in the larger circle of concern.

Swami Chidananda

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