Awareness-An All-inclusive Immensity

Surge Twenty three (Advanced)

Awareness–An All-inclusive Immensity

Peaceful as well as agitated thoughts arise in us at different times.  So do dull modes of the mind.  If all kinds of thoughts and emotions are together called the mind, awareness contains the whole of the mind and it is yet untouched by its properties.  The thinker is also a thought.  We can be aware of all thoughts, including the thought called the thinker.

The thinker in us is a product of our memories, past conditionings.  As the thinker, so the thoughts.  The thinker typically is an accumulation of (memories of) pleasure and pain as gone through in the past.  Based on those experiences, likes and dislikes, desires and fears emanate from this thinker.

Neither thoughts nor the thinker is anything absolute.  Both of them are born in time; they change in time and they die too in time.  Awareness is the timeless dimension to our existence.  Spiritual maturity is characterized by our being aware of varieties of thoughts rising in us.  We do not think about ourselves, but are aware of ‘thoughts of ourselves’ as they arise.

Selfish concerns – hopes and fears – come up thanks to a momentum of the past.  Being aware of them without blaming or approving them, lends a healing touch to them.

Awareness is the greatest medicine.

In me (Awareness) arise countless thoughts, moods and modes – peaceful, aggressive and dull.  They come and go, I remain still.

(Geeta 7:12  )

Swami Chidananda

Monday, December 8, 2003

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