Spark 42
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
There are many these days who describe themselves as SBNR! The acronym stands for ‘Spiritual, But Not Religious’! Whether SBNR or RR (regular, religious), the following exercises (sādhanās) may suit young people – anywhere in the world – who wish to take up “something to do” under Hindu spiritual vision:
A (discipline of karma-yoga)
1 Worship a chosen form of God, like Rāma, Krishna, Devi or Ganesha.
2 Do acts of service to fellow human beings or to other forms of life.
B (discipline of bhakti-yoga)
1 Sing (or listen to) hymns or bhajans with devotion
2 Do nāma–japa with a chosen mantra. (nāma is holy name, japa is repeating it with love)
C (discipline of rāja-yoga)
1 Do āsanas
2 Do prānāyāma (regulated breathing plus observation of breathing)
D (discipline of jnāna-yoga)
1 Study Vedānta
2 Discuss regularly with learned teachers or fellow students
E (interdisciplinary)
1 Do passage meditation: take an inspirational passage from anywhere, and dwell on it for 20 mins in a daily sitting.
2 Listen to instrumental music that can calm your mind.
3 Go for a walk in natural surroundings, and pay attention to aspects of Nature for that duration.
Swāmi Chidānanda