Spark 39
Wednesday, November 1st,, 2017
- Egoistic existence needs to be negated. Say nāham (I am notthis little self, with attachments and aversions)!
- Exhale while saying nāham.
- Remain the witness, the Pure Self. Say so’ham(I am That, the sat-chit principle that is devoid of the ego).
- Inhale while saying so’ham.
- Do ‘regulated breathing’ to calm your mind, with so’ham and nāham.
- Negate the false, saying nāham.
- Stay with the Truth, saying so’ham.
- Say goodbye to asat (thought-created false I-sense). Welcomesat (your real I).
- asato mā sad gamaya.May we go from the false to the true.
Swami Chidananda