Spark 15
Vijaya Dashami 2015
Generally a lot of our energy goes in pursuing outer victory, which someone like Stephen Covey called ‘public victory’. The inadequacy of winning ‘outside only’ is well known. therefore we must strive for inner victory, called private victory otherwise.
Symbolically Sri Krishna represents the inner majesty of supreme intelligence. Arjuna stands for skills in the outer world. (Sri Krishna is the basis for both the outer and the inner really though.)
May we therefore spare some time and energy – in not on a daily basis – on a weekly basis. Spiritual study, holistic exercises, prayers and meditation are the well known ways of growing inwardly.
“It is not a miracle to walk on water,” observed Thich Nhat Hanh, “the miracle is to walk on this earth with peace in our hearts.”
Hearty best wishes to one and all in this ‘inward journey’.
Swami Chidananda
in Chicago, USA
1 yatra yogeshwarah krishnah, yatra partho dhanurdharah.. Geeta 18.78