Surge Two (Advanced)
Basics of the Inquiry: Who am I?
- We are caught in the web of thoughts. The WAI inquiry takes us to the root cause of this web.
- Our joys and sorrows are centered in our memories. The WAI inquiry helps us go to the basis of memories.
- A self-image feeds memories, which in turn feed the self-image. The WAI inquiry hits at the self-image.
- The self-image (aham-vritti) is rooted in memories. The WAI inquiry thus shakes the foundations of memories.
- Memories and the self-image are a vicious circle. The WAI inquiry cuts this vicious circle.
- Changing people, places, positions or situations cannot lead to ending of sorrow. Sorrow ends in the silence of pure awareness.
- The self-image is the only obstacle to pure awareness. The WAI inquiry therefore questions the true credentials of the self-image.
- Millions of thoughts – good and bad – revolve around the self-image (aham-vritti, I-thought). WAI puts the axe to the base of the tree (of samsAra).
- To think that we can arrive at freedom is wrong. We need to question the reality of our bondage.
- Body and mind keep changing in time. The liberating insight has nothing to do with time, for it is not an activity (karma).
- See.
Swami Chidananda
Monday, January 13, 2003