Different Strokes








A One Day Personnel Development Program on
Personal Effectiveness, Communication and Managing Stress

On Saturday, the 30th April 2011
from 09.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs
Gulmohor, The Kesarval Garden Resort,
Kesarval, Verna – Goa.

Delegate Fee: Rs. 1800/- or Rs. 3000/- (For Two Delegates), Please contact us for Group Bookings.
The following have been nominated to attend the above said program:
Name                                                                                    Designation
1. _________________________________________________________
Please find Cheque (at par)/ DD No. for Rs.   __________________                    in favor of ‘FOWAI FORUM-I’ payable at Mumbai enclosed. (Outstation cheques to please add Rs. 80/-)

Details of Coordinator / Contact Person:

Name / Designation:___________________________________


Please Note :

  • Prior Registration is a must.
  • Participation fee is non-refundable. However change in nomination is acceptable.
  • Seats are limited. Registration on ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

Introduction and Objectives

This program will help participants understand and meet the daily challenges of managing professional and personal responsibilities. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to competition, respond quickly to both internal and external customer needs, and enjoy life outside work is even moreintense in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing, competitive environment.
We just never seem to have enough time. The reality is we all have the same amount of time but it is how we use our time that makes the difference.
One of the major inhibitors of Personal Effectiveness is stress. The reality is that we can never eliminate stress but we can manage it in such in a way that it does not affect our productivity.
Hence this program on Personal Effectiveness, Communication and Managing Stress has a three-pronged focus: Time, Stress and Self. After this program, the participants will be able to develop an action plan for real change based on effective use of time and management of stress which is congruent with their own unique behavioral style. Communication between team members will improve opening up new channels of understanding and achieving Goals.
The Program will enable participants to:
  • Improve Personal Effectiveness
  • Plan and Achieve Short Term and Long Term Goals
  • Improve communication
  • Perceive and manage change and defuse interpersonal conflicts
  • Increase commitment, creativity and teamwork
  • Break down barriers of mistrust and misunderstanding
  • Delegate work based on strengths and developmental needs
  • Organize and manage for synergy and success
  • Manage Stress
Methodology: The program pedagogy will include Lectures, Presentations, Case studies and Activities to bring home the point.


The Faculty for the morning session of the program will be Mr. Prabhaker Timble, Chief Operations Officer, SRRT, Goa a Fomento venture, having more than 30 years of Professional Experience in Academia as well as Industry.
A well known Speaker on TV as well as a prolific writer on State and National newspapers he combines both Wit & Wisdom. He is also a visiting faculty at a number of management Institutes in Goa and outside the state.
The faculty for the evening session, Swami Chidanandaji, Director Rajghat Education Centre, Benares has been a speaker, writer and a teacher of Vedanta Texts for nearly twenty years. After receiving an M.Tech. from the IIT Madras in Electrical Engineering in 1982, he served Hindustan Computers Ltd. (HCL) in hardware R & D for two years. He also taught at an Engineering College in Bangalore for three years. His spiritual quest drew him to Swami Chinmayanandaji and the study of the Vedanta. He served Chinmaya Mission for over sixteen years during which he taught philosophy at Mumbai, Bangalore, and in California. He
spoke at many academic, social and business centers in India and North America. His thought evolved through coming in contact with the works of several greatthinkers, the most important among them being Ramana Maharshi and JidduKrishnamurti.
Who should attend: Managers, Team Leaders, Executives, Professionals andSupervisors.
Participation Fee and Registration: Prior Registration is a must. Please find details of Fees, etc in the ‘Registration Form’ (enclosed). Fee includes Service Tax, Tea/Lunch and Welcome Kits. Due to limited seats, we will register purely on firstcome-first-served basis.
So those who register early will get the preference. We
look forward to receiving from you a duly filled ‘Registration Form’ along with the requisite cheque at the earliest to confirm your registration. For more details you may contact Suryakant on 9822982851 or Prasad on 9890942302.
Address for Correspondence: Fowai Forum Goa, D-FF-03, LEANDRA
HERITAGE, Opp KTC Bus Stand, Maddel, Margao – Goa. Land Line: Shobha
All mailer recipients are requested to kindly nominate concerned colleaguesfrom their organization to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

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